Saturday, 3 March 2012

Laughter and many new manifestations!

Hi All!

I've had a wonderful time since the last time I visited with you on here.  I've continued winning lots of prizes from free online sweepstakes (please check out my website at and click on the "sweepstakes" tab to keep up with my wins).

I also have manifested three magnificent things in the past couple of months.  If you haven't written down some things that you intend to manifest and create in your life, then it's no surprise why you're not manifesting anything!  :)  

Three things that have been on my recent lists are:

1.  a new dishwasher
2.  a 70" TV for the living room, then I bring the 55" TV from there up to the master bedroom
3.  a perfect, beautiful cubicle for me at work, where I have plenty of room for all my stuff, and I can look out the window.

I'm happy to share that I've now manifested all three!  It's been so wonderful looking at the things I've helped to bring into my life.  I've envisioned them so often, and when I sit and gaze out the window at work, or at our televisions here at home, I sigh with satisfaction at completed creations.

So I'm beginning a new list of fun things to create and will be coming back in to let you know when those are created too!

Also, remember to laugh today (and every day).  Laughter is so fun and healing and energizing.  I highly recommend it  :)

Until next time, have fun creating the life you want! 

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