Friday, 28 December 2012

Sharon's 12-27-2012 Vlog

HAPPY HOLIDAYS!  See my wins from this past week.  If the Youtube video doesn't start automatically, please press play to see it.  Thanks, and see you next week, which will be the NEW YEAR, WOO HOO!

Monday, 17 December 2012

Sharon Elaine's Weekly Vlog 12-17-2012

If the Video doesn't start above, please click on the Youtube link
when you hover over it and it will open, thanks!  Sharon

Monday, 26 November 2012

Sharon Elaine's Weekly Blog 11-26-2012

If the Video doesn't start above, please click on the Youtube link
when you hover over it and it will open, thanks!  Sharon

UNEXPECTED PRIZE in the mail: Sugar Bear T-shirt and coupon for a free box of Post cereal

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Sharon's Weekly Sweeps Blog Entry 11-18-2012

 If the video above doesn't start for you here, please click on the
YouTube button when you hover over the video.  Thanks,Sharon!

Wins for the week:

Congratulations! You are receiving this e-mail message because you were a movie ticket winner in
the Sun-Maid Movie Tickets Giveaway.
Your certificate is valid for 2 adult admissions (up to $26.00 value total)
to see DreamWorks Animation’s Rise of the Guardians or any other movie in theaters.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Laughter and many new manifestations!

Hi All!

I've had a wonderful time since the last time I visited with you on here.  I've continued winning lots of prizes from free online sweepstakes (please check out my website at and click on the "sweepstakes" tab to keep up with my wins).

I also have manifested three magnificent things in the past couple of months.  If you haven't written down some things that you intend to manifest and create in your life, then it's no surprise why you're not manifesting anything!  :)  

Three things that have been on my recent lists are:

1.  a new dishwasher
2.  a 70" TV for the living room, then I bring the 55" TV from there up to the master bedroom
3.  a perfect, beautiful cubicle for me at work, where I have plenty of room for all my stuff, and I can look out the window.

I'm happy to share that I've now manifested all three!  It's been so wonderful looking at the things I've helped to bring into my life.  I've envisioned them so often, and when I sit and gaze out the window at work, or at our televisions here at home, I sigh with satisfaction at completed creations.

So I'm beginning a new list of fun things to create and will be coming back in to let you know when those are created too!

Also, remember to laugh today (and every day).  Laughter is so fun and healing and energizing.  I highly recommend it  :)

Until next time, have fun creating the life you want! 

Thursday, 9 February 2012

My first Vlog, February 9, 2012

Hi All!  I'm excited to start adding vlogging to my blogs.  I will do one about every other weekend.  Hope you enjoy and come back soon!  Feel free to share my blog link with others who you think might be interested!

Also, I've had some more wins this past week, please feel free to check them out here:

Remember to sign up for my book sweepstakes for February, and also sign up to receive my bi-weekly newsletter, if you haven't already!

Sunday, 5 February 2012

February 6, 2012 Update

Hi All,

I've just begun a new marketing plan, and one thing I have promised myself to do is to update my blog more regularly.  I'm also going to create a couple more blogs for specific subjects, and will begin to do some vlogging (Video-logging) soon as well!

This blog will continue to be my overall website blog, and will have a bit of information in all of my areas of interest (Affirmations, Sweepstakes, and my Weight Loss Journey).

I will be creating a separate blog for my weight loss journey.  I began Nutrisystem on December 5, 2011 and have since lost 29.2 pounds.  I'm enjoying the process, and have about 130 more pounds I wish to lose. I also will be getting back to walking/jogging and will be entering and completing more 5Ks, 10Ks and Half Marathons, with the all-important Full Marathon out there on my horizon to finish some day (hopefully this Fall!)

Thanks for coming along for the ride, and keep coming back, as I will soon be starting up some of my own sweepstakes again for free copies of my books, and more.

To see what wins I've begun the new year off with (and it's an impressive list for one month of entering, if I do say so myself), please come to visit my sweepstakes page at:

Let's all have a great, positive, winning week!
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